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Aldine Mountains

At the the northern-most tip of Ravensbrück, there is a high range of mountains and craggy peaks which form the border between this country and the land beyond. It is heavily rumored that no wolf has ever made it past the mountains and those that traverse these peaks are usually lost in the heavy snows of winter. Still, it is not unheard of for wayward souls to navigate the treacherous pass, and is one of the few ways for outsiders to reach Ravensbrück.

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Hängen Mesa

Situated in the perfect spot to overlook all of Ravensbrück, this is the largest landmass for miles. It is the first peak to be illuminated by the sun's bright rays as dawn sweeps over the land. The formation is an odd-looking piece of Iudex's architecture, a molded, leaning overhang. Most wolves come up the back trail that weaves into the cliff side, almost invisible to newcomers in this land. Standing on this high point is simply stunning at night; a romantic spot of meeting for most who visit its graceful posture.

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Auktion Rock

If a wolf follows the narrow strip of trail between the Schreien Forest and Regnen, it would lead them to an open dirt ground, overwhelmingly coated with the stench of sweat, feces, and urine. This area is a depression in the land, with high, almost canyon-like walls that keep the slaves entrapped here. A rock that towers above the rest and new slaves are paraded onto and sold off. It's a nasty business, but most wolves that are here seem to used to such treatment. Wolves that are forced into slavery are typically assessed on condition before being sold, but no one clings to the old rules anymore.

| sklavin trade is held here |

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Känzeln Falls

Between the tall peaks of Ravenbruck's one and only mountain range, this waterfall can be heard for miles. It drops off a staggering peak from the above mountains and plummets to earth, creating a dazzling effect when under the sun's bright rays. Wolves wanting to impress their amour might bring them here for the night-time sunfall or a morning sunrise. It remains as one of the most reserved places in Ravensbruck; it does not have a pack to call it's own and most of the wolves around these parts intend to keep it that way. It is said that Iudex made the waterfall out of his tears, as a gift to his mate, Eperna.

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Dominor Pakt

Positioned in the most central portion of Ravensbrück's high sloped valley, the Alphas of each pack retire here for a day's time to dicuss the future of the growing population and to make arrangements for their country's well being. Where the masters, or dominors as they are called, meet is a shaded area, heavily rumored about in exact location. It is, however, the deepest part of the valley that they reside, lush in grasses even in midst of the hottest season. A small river from somewhere north trickles through, forming a small, calm pool in the center of the valley.

| master meetings are held here |

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Dominor Streiten

From within the valley comes the snarling of wolves and the growls and challenges of one dominor to another. Here is the place where battles are started and finished, where pack leaders are created and destroyed. When two wolves challenge, all the alphas gather around to watch and cheer on the fighting wolves, adding a certain air of violence to the surrounding area. This isn't a place for the weak of heart; blood from past losses is scattered unsparingly on the grass below and the ravens, vultures, and other scavenger birds wait for their next meal.

| bring your wolf here to fight |

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Freiheit Shores

If a wolf wandered the country side heading directly East from where the path through the Schreien Forest ends, they would eventually find themselves in rolling sand dunes that led to the endless ocean. The Freiheit Shores they are called, in reference to the Frieor title, for this is a sancutary for all free wolves; most come here to experience the surf and crashing of white capped waves or just to have an enjoyable afternoon. Wolves of all sorts can be found frisking through the waves or hiding personal valuables in the sand; if one searches hard enough they might just find some buried treasure lurking underneath the sandy depths. Either way, it is beautiful here, a true summer paradise.

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Schreien Forest

Tucked into the underside of the Hängen Mesa, this is the largest forest in Ravensbrück, stretching far on each side of the large rock mass. Inside the forest is a path that leads to the Auktion Rock. Most wolves don't venture in here due to the low visibility, especially at night. There is a certain sinking feeling wolves report they begin to feel when they journey deep into the depths of the Forest, almost as if someone is watching them. Regardless, some males still steal away females and have their way with them in the darkness and cover that the woods provide. Others stay far away, not wishing to get lost or worse inside the deep canopy of leaves.

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The Western-most pack of Ravensbrück's land, Dürkell is a sight to behold. Less dense than the Regnen pack, the trees litter the grounds, sweeping together to make up the home of this larger pack. It is pretty here, not yet beautiful but not by any means ugly either, simply caught in between. The land isn't hard to find ones way around, and the grasses provide much room for hiding, a secret that could go unnoticed by the wolves here if a slave needs a resting spot for the night's runaway.

Alpha: Morgäna

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The center-most pack along with one of the smaller ones, Einheit is a barren wasteland, rocks and pebbles of all sorts making up this rough terrain. It is the driest land, a hard-cracked floor where grass should be. The only water is the small stream that runs south towards the Dominor Pakt lands, and the pack thrives because of that stream. They have learned to catch fish and survive on the smallest hares and thinnest deers that run through the terrain.

Alpha: Sinead

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This land is situated on the right side of the Känzeln Falls, an area of dried grasses and deep valley meadows. It is plentiful in prey and blessed with much sunlight, alluding to the reason that so much greenery can be found here, dripping over the fall's edge and spilling into the territory. Garbed in soft meadow grasses, the land here is very flat and sight is crucial when hunting in the pack. Overall, this section of the country is quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of the Aucktion Rock or any other gathering place.

Alpha: Kasimira
Alpha Male: Tortuga

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When a wolf leaves the Auktion Rock and takes the winding path south through Schreien Forest, he will eventually run into the territory of the mysterious Gröavche pack. Swampy and dense, this land is not for the soft of heart; life is hard and the pickings for food slim. There is a lack of deer and the pack has made due on other creatures that inhabit these parts. Groavche wolves also have an interesting den set up as well; the root system provides their shelter. Regardless, this land is full of trials and strengths. Enter at own risk.

Alpha: Nirco

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One of the bigger packs, Regnen is a denser territory in regards to the trees, but still beautiful with the soft roar of the falls in the background. The pack meets at the fall's edge at times for the introduction of a new pack member or the ceremony of a new born litter. In the past years, this terrain has been fought over much, not only for the beautiful scenery, but also for the caves that serve as dens for the pack. Carved out of the mountainside, they keep this proud pack out of the most horrendous elements. Plentiful of prey, they are the most well-off pack, the coveted of the rest.

Alpha: Veldis

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Meaning "North", Norden is settled at the very top of the smaller territory expanse. It is a rich forest that borders the woods of Regnen and Schreien. The wood is thin and sparse, with the meadow grass being more prominent than the trees. It is foggy in the early mornings and known for the deer that travel through at dawn.

Alpha: OPEN

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Meaning "East", Osten is the territory closest to the Freiheit Shores. It is lacking thick trees like it's northern neighbor and has direct access to the creek that runs through Ravensbrück. The wolves have adapted to their surroundings and enjoy an addition of fish in their diet.

Alpha: Ida

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Meaning "South", Süden is placed farthest below the other territories, bordering the Schreien Forest. It is known for being one of the densest lands, marked with thick bushes and a large assortment of trees. It can be hard for outsiders to navigate; there is a small strand of rumors that say the forest changes layout based on the Alpha's wills.

Alpha: Decimus

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